
are We?

Amazing, energetic and passionate coaches that want to help YOU!

Laura Reive, Certified ChicBoxing Coach, Certified ChicBoxing Coach

Being fit and motivated is what has driven me in both my personal and professional life.

With seven children, I can attest firsthand to how hard it is to stay committed to an exercise program. Life is busy and exercise is hard to fit in until you find something you love. ChicBoxing is fun, fast, effective, and provides great stress relief!

As a coach, I get to inspire others to achieve their personal fitness goals. My background in teaching (York University/University of Toronto) has put me in good stead to help educate people on the merits of fitness and nutrition. In my spare time (which often is limited to the five minutes before sleep!), I skim recipes and read books and magazines to stay up to date on fitness, nutrition, and running. I'm passionate about health and wellness.

Helping people set goals, overcome setbacks, and achieve success makes coaching a very rewarding experience. As a ChicBoxing coach, I have met so many incredible people who have chosen to prioritize their health and have fun doing so!

I believe that being able to exercise is a gift. To live well - to live fully - we have to take care of ourselves inside and out. Every day, get up and let your feet hit the floor with purpose and gratitude.
