It may come as a shock to hear, but there’s a pretty good chance you’re ‘addicted’ to sugar.
And I know what you’re thinking
‘That’s not true, I have total control over what I eat.’
Just think for a moment.
Think about the types of foods you crave most…
Bagels… potato chips… pizza… donuts… soda… chocolate…
The list is virtually endless, but they ALL have one thing in common…
They’re ALL examples of sugary, highly-processed foods loaded with refined carbohydrates…
Or in order words, they’re packed full of ingredients that make people fat, and KEEP them fat…
And you CRAVE them – we all do!
I think we can agree, that just by looking at the staggering health statistics, most of the population is NOT giving their body what it needs.
When most people put on weight, they find it incredibly difficult to ever lose that weight.
Let’s look at why this happens.
You may have heard of something called ‘dopamine’.
If you haven’t, it’s basically the body’s ‘feel-good’ hormone.
Dopamine is crucial to many of our body’s normal functions, like movement, memory, behaviour, attention, sleep, and mood, and it’s released whenever we experience pleasure…
Whether it be winning a sports game… spending time with your kids… having fun with your friends. and yep…
You guessed it…
Whenever we eat – and enjoy – food, small amounts of dopamine are released by the brain that tells us what we’re eating is GOOD – and in time, it makes us crave those foods over and over again.
Unfortunately, food manufacturers all over the world are manipulating this hormone, by adding extra carbohydrates and addicting sugars to our foods.
This means, that when we eat those foods, our bodies get an extra ‘hit’ of dopamine.
Over time, this makes us more susceptible to buying their products again, and again, and again.
Think about it…
Imagine a time when you’re tired… stressed… hungry…
How many times have you thought ‘I just can’t WAIT to get home and make a chicken salad with extra veg…
If you’re like most people, that’s rarely – if ever – the case…
Now, think about the times that you crave processed foods…
Takeout… donuts… sweets… candies… starchy products…
See a pattern?
Your brain is so used to receiving pleasure signals while eating these unhealthy foods, that whenever you feel even a tiny bit down, or tired and stressed, you automatically begin to crave these foods.
Now, food manufacturers KNOW about this… and each year, they spend millions of dollars in their food labs engineering products that are so instantly gratifying, they become addictive.
And so, while you might not even know you’re doing it, you instinctively reach for unhealthy, processed foods, that contain insanely high levels of sugars and carbs.
This leads to weight-gain, and can often leave you scratching your head in frustration, because while you’re desperate to lose weight… no matter how hard you try…
You just can’t shift those excess pounds, and get that dream figure you deserve.
Now, traditional advice would indicate you should simply cut back on these foods… exercise more… and eat a healthier diet…
But the problem is, finding a diet that cuts out these nasty foods, while still allowing you to feel comfortably full (avoiding the dreaded cravings and hunger-pangs) is hard.
A Paleo diet provides our bodies with exactly what it needs to thrive. To operate at maximum capacity…
To function like a well-oiled machine…
And with regular exercise, eating Paleo can completely transform your body, your health, and… your life!
That’s why we’d like to invite you to come and join ChicBoxing’s Little Black Dress Challenge.
You see, here at ChicBoxing we like to help women get fit, get healthy, and STAY healthy…
But we also know that anyone can diet. Anyone can eat well – short-term.
What really matters, is the long-term plan…
The 6 Week Little Black Dress Transformation is a comprehensive program that gives you everything you need to start losing weight – FAST…
And it offers a HUGE range of tools and resources, to make sure you KEEP the results you want.
—> Click here to find out more and sign up now!
Think about it…
What would it mean if you were able to finally get your body in ‘sync’, and effortlessly burn fat and lose weight…
How would it make you feel, to wake up each and every morning, bursting full of energy, with a positive outlook on the day ahead…
And how much better would you feel inside, free from the worry of low self-esteem… a lack of motivation… and being tired all the time…
It’s pretty hard to even put a price on that amount of freedom…
If you’re ready to get INTO shape – and become the best, healthiest “YOU”, you can be…
—> Then click here to sign up for our Little Black Dress Challenge
6 Week Challenge Apparel back on track constipation Cravings diet energy Exercise Fitness Fitness and Pregnancy fit pregnancy Food Cravings Goals 2018 Goal setting Health and Fitness Healthy Pregnancy How to Start Running intention jump rope kickboxing Motivation Nike+ recipe recipes Recipes; Health and Fitness Running Shoes skipping unplug vacation Walking warrior dash training water weight
The aim of ChicBoxing's blog is to provide information on diet,nutrition, fitness and health for the public. The contents of this Web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Web site.