I recently came back from a work and rest vacation in Florida and had a great time. It was both a work and rest vacation! I wanted to share with you something that I think is super important when it comes to taking vacations! In the past, I would use an event such as a vacation to eat whatever I want, whenever I want and end up coming home feeling fatigued, sluggish and bloated. Before leaving, I would use “getting ready” for a vacation as a motivator to not miss workouts and eat really clean, I would lose weight and then come back from vacation having gained all or most of the inches or weight back that I had lost.
I had a conversation with my travel partner a few weeks before our trip letting them know that I didn’t want this vacation to turn into a food-fest like some of other trips I’d been on. They agreed and I was so happy to know that we were on the same page!
I set an intention for myself that I would focus on relaxing, disconnecting, and refocusing. I also set the intention to continue to drink at LEAST 2 litres of water daily and order salad (OMG they were soooo good!) when we went to eat out.
My mindset going into the trip was all about relaxing, disconnecting from email, Facebook and other social media and simply soaking up the warm sunshine. On the flip side, I wasn’t focused on…”I can’t wait to eat X.” My mindset about the vacation influenced my decisions about what to eat while we were away. I focused on being in the moment and present listening to my body and what it wanted and needed at any given time. If I was tired, I took a nap. If I felt like I needed movement, I went for a walk. If I was hungry, I ate.
You bet I did…not as much as I had in the past though! If I wanted something that I wouldn’t normally eat, I ate it. BUT…if after a couple bites or sips it didn’t taste AMAZING to me, I stopped eating it! You know what though, there weren’t too many things that I wanted that I don’t normally eat. This is a BIG shift from where I was about a year ago. It was easier to steer away from cookies, sandwiches, and other desserts without wanting to eat them as I know and understand how those foods negatively affect my body. I wanted more proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables.
Below are a few take away points from my time away. Keep in mind that some of these principles can apply to our everyday life to enhance our health and well-being.
I came home with a different perspective and expectation for future vacations. I also came home the same weight that I left and felt amazing in my tightest pair of jeans…even after a few indulgences! SCORE!!
Forever yours in health and butt kickings,
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The aim of ChicBoxing's blog is to provide information on diet,nutrition, fitness and health for the public. The contents of this Web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Web site.