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  • What’s Your Secret Superpower?

    24 July 2019
    || Sara

    What’s your superpower?

    You definitely have at least one and chances are you have several (some you might not be aware of yet)!

    There are SO MANY amazing everyday superpowers we take for granted: teaching, parenting, cooking, music, athletics, or offering advice. You might be organized, a financial wizard, a fitness freak, or maybe your home is spotless 24/7. You get the picture.

    And yet, there are probably at least a few things you struggle with.

    As coaches we notice something when watching our most successful clients (and mentors!).  It all boils down to the old saying: “How you do one thing is how you do everything.”

    Once you’ve gotten great at ONE thing, you already know how to get great at ANYTHING. You just have to apply the same principles: focus, attention, practice, and time.

    But you also have to add an extra ingredient when you’re trying to develop a new superpower… especially if it’s an area that doesn’t come naturally to you.

    This is where we tend to fall short… because we take it for granted, think we shouldn’t have to work at it, or believe that it should come naturally.

    You have to work on your MINDSET. That’s the secret sauce!

    Trying to muscle through being “disciplined” just doesn’t work. And it’s also not fair to yourself!

    Your mindset is like a seedling that requires daily attention until it takes root: you have to add just enough water, fertilizer and sun, while protecting it from wind and harsh elements.

    How do you do that?

    Simple: You feed your mind with inspiration and motivation.

    That could mean reading articles, watching videos, building a support system (in person or online), listening to audiobooks or podcasts, or basically doing ANYTHING that pumps you up on a near-daily basis.

    And over time, with focus, attention, and practice, you’ll master your new superpower. (Just like you did with all of the other things you rock at.)

    Need some ideas? Check out:

    ~ Success Magazine (you can check out their info-packed website here)

    ~ Zen Habits has a lot of great stuff on their site

    ~ The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes (book)

    ~ Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins (book)

    ~ The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman (book)

    ~ And if you’re into podcasts and audio, scroll the offerings on a podcast app like Stitcher, because there are literally millions of hours of content to listen to!

    If you’re trying to lose weight, lose inches, or generally get in better shape, make sure you’re feeding yourself with nutrition and fitness inspiration as often as possible.

    It’s one of the most powerful actions you can take, to reinforce your goals and your determination.

    Reading emails like this is a good start, and so is participating over in the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/chicboxing/

    You can do this, and we’re here for you every step of the way!

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The aim of ChicBoxing's blog is to provide information on diet,nutrition, fitness and health for the public. The contents of this Web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Web site.