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  • If you’ve ever felt like you’ve caught a bad mood from someone, it probably wasn’t your imagination.

    A couple weeks ago I came across a study that dove into this topic, and it was fascinating because it’s something I’ve personally experienced (and chances are you have, too).

    Have you ever been in the middle of a great day, and then you run into someone who is totally stressed out, angry or worried? And then before you know it, you’re knocked out of your good mood and are suddenly feeling stressed and agitated, too?

    Scientists recently found that the brain changes associated with stress are actually contagious and can “infect” others. After the stressor is removed, females are better able to reverse those brain changes, while males have a tougher time with it.

    This particular study (which was published in the medical journal Nature Neuroscience) was done on mice so obviously more investigation needs to be done on people, but it shows how stress has such a profound impact on us (even if it’s not our own stress) right down to the brain and chemical level.

    While some stress is healthy – keeping us motivated and moving forward in our lives! – too much stress or stress at the wrong times can take a toll.

    Over time it can affect your health, sleep, and even your waistline.

    So, what can you do about it?

    Learning how to mitigate stress and put your body in the best possible position to handle anything thrown its way is your best line of defense.

    Here are a few things you can do:

    ~ Avoid stressful discussions at night before bed – save them for earlier in the day whenever possible. Being stressed makes it hard to sleep, which in turn can make you even more stressed.

    ~ Workout. Studies show that putting your body through physical stress helps relieve mental stress.

    ~ Try deep breathing. Take a deep exhale, and then slowly breathe in, feeling your belly and lungs expand, and slowly exhale. Repeat several times. You’ll feel your body start to relax.

    ~ Eat healthy fats like salmon, chia and flaxseed. In one study, medical students who were given omega 3 supplements reported stress reduction of 20 percent (check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplements, especially if you take prescription medications!).

    ~ Try aromatherapy – lavender, orange, ylang ylang and frankincense can help you relax.

    ~ Get some fresh air. It’s amazing what going for a walk can do to change your perspective.

    ~ Watch a funny movie or TV show, listen to music, or listen to a comedy channel on streaming radio.

    ~ If you’re feeling stressed, take a timeout and make sure you’re not stressing out everyone around you.

    And try not to stress about stressing out. The most important thing you can do is take a step back and take care of YOU.  As you know- this will help you take better care of everyone and everything around you.

    We’re here to help at ChicBoxing with stress busting workouts (the best in the industry!!), all the while you’re surrounded with phenomenal ladies and are given phenomenal support to help with your goals!!  Come do a class on us-  your first class is free!  Simply sign up for your free class today at,  www.chicboxing.com

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The aim of ChicBoxing's blog is to provide information on diet,nutrition, fitness and health for the public. The contents of this Web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Web site.