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  • A quick 30 minutes should do the trick…

    13 November 2019
    || Sara

    We have some interesting news for you today about how your workouts can help you sleep better.

    You already know that working out regularly helps improve your sleep. It only makes sense that if you make your body tired, you’ll sleep better.

    In fact, some research shows that regular exercise has the same impact on your sleep as sleeping pills!

    But there’s some cool new info about exactly how workouts can improve your sleep.

    First, moderate aerobic exercise (ChicBoxing, cardio workouts like jogging, biking, the elliptical, etc.) reduces stress and lifts your mood to help make it easier to fall asleep. But it goes deeper than that.

    It can also increase how much slow wave (aka “deep”) sleep you get at night – this is a super important stage of sleep because it’s when your body restores and rejuvenates.

    The best news is you don’t have to wait months for this effect to happen. According to sleep experts at Johns Hopkins, if you do a 30-minute cardio workout today, you’ll probably feel the results tonight!

    But what if you prefer lifting weights, playing a sport, or doing yoga or HIIT training? As long as your heart rate is elevated during your workout, it really doesn’t matter.

    Of course, (and we may be biased!), but coming in for one of our workouts here at ChicBoxing, is one of the best things you could ever do for your body.  Our workouts are 1 hour long and include warm-up, cooldown and some HIIT training that incorporates boxing, kickboxing and MMA style training.  It’s seriously the MOST fun you’ll have working out.   

    If you do an evening workout, the cooldown effect from your workout – as your body returns back to its normal state – might even help you sleep, since your body naturally drops its temperature as you fall asleep.

    The takeaway: heart-pumping workouts done at least a few hours before bedtime will help you sleep better and longer and improve your body’s rest and recovery!

    If you’re looking for guidance with your fitness program, we’re want to help! Join now for 60% off your first month!

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